The diversity of responses to environmental change among species contributing to the same ecosystem function, which we call response diversity, is critical to resilience. The consequences of biodiversity decline in intensified agricultural landscapes hinge on surviving biotic assemblages. Download fullsize image we are living in the age of the anthropocene, a geologic epoch defined by human transformation of the earth ellis, 2011. Sustaining ecosystem services in socialecological systems.
A keystone mutualism underpins resilience of a coastal. The concept of es and the benefits these flows bring to humans is a burgeoning area of research. Box 4 because it impacts the functional and response diversity of a system, as discussed. An indicator framework for assessing agroecosystem resilience. Here we show that the diversity of climatic responses across species.
Response diversity and resilience in socialecological systems. Ecosystems vary in their ability to buffer and adapt to both natural and anthropogenic changes as well as recover after changes i. Resilient ecosystems sustain biological diversity and human livelihoods in times of severe and wideranging change, and the concepts of resiliencebased ecosystem stewardship 5 helps people to enhance the resilience of the ecosystems within which they live, and upon which their livelihoods and wellbeing depend. Ecosystem services and resilience z 3 p a g e including food and water, land livestock assets, access to social safety nets e. Response diversity is particularly important for ecosystem renewal and reorganization following change. The same principle holds true for species diversity. These may give rise to largescale species replacements, regime shifts, and even novel ecosystems. Resilience is the capacity of a socialecological system to absorb or withstand perturbations and other stressors such that the system remains within the same regime, essentially maintaining its structure and functions.
In todays world, rapid environmental and economic developments and changes pose major threats to ecosystems and economic systems. Sep 27, 2012 diversity is expected to increase the resilience of ecosystems. Global change, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Feb, 2015 response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience thomas elmqvist, stockholm university nov. It also means emphasising the need to develop flexible systems that manage for change, to see. Riparian ecosystems respond to multiple stressors to differing degrees, depending on climate, ecosystem resilience, human pressures, and disturbance history. Maintaining crucial ecosystem processes and services requires resilience to natural and anthropogenic disturbances. In this context we explore if resilience can be increased by the spatial configuration of the rural landscape in an integrated ecologicalgeneticeconomic way. Biological diversity appears to enhance the resilience of desirable ecosystem states, which is required to secure the production of essential ecosystem services.
Adapting a socialecological resilience framework for food. High diversity stabilizes the thermal resilience of. Ecological resilience, also called ecological robustness, the ability of an ecosystem to maintain its normal patterns of nutrient cycling and biomass production after being subjected to damage caused by an ecological disturbance. For example, increasing concern about the combined impacts of. We try to gain insight to this paradox, by analyzing a simple model of a diverse community where each competing species inflicts a small mortality. Diversity matters at different levels and scales, from genes to species and from habitats to landscapes. Pdf the resilience and resistance of an ecosystem to a. The contribution of ecosystem services to human resilience. Response of a coral reef to a largescale perturbation. Finally, ecosystem diversity measures number a variety of different ecosystems in a region. However, the resilience and stability of surviving biological communities remain poorly quantified. Aug 18, 2016 in light of these changes, identifying which factors enhance ecosystem resilience to droughttheir ability to resist change andor rapidly return to desirable states 8 has emerged as an. Protecting and enhancing the resilience of ecosystems the u.
More kinds of species in a particular ecosystem, the more likely it is to overcome threats such as natural disasters and climate change. Resilience and stability in bird guilds across tropical. Resilience in agriculture through crop diversification. Divergent biodiversity change within ecosystems pnas. Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience thomas elmqvist, stockholm university nov. Diversity, adaptability and ecosystem resilience rozenn keribin1, dr andrew friend1, dr drew purves2 1 department of geography, university of cambridge 2 microsoft research, cambridge summary.
Applying resilience thinking seven principles for building resilience in socialecological systems. We quantified the functional richness and relative resilience of bird communities inhabiting five regions in southeastern australia that. Applying resilience thinking stockholm resilience centre. Mapping vulnerability and resilience for ecosystem based. Consider the ways in which monmouthshire county council can influence biodiversity and ecosystem resilience when exercising its functions as a public authority. Here we present examples of response diversity from both terrestrial. In recent years many studies have shown that biodiversity, and in particular functional diversity, can enhance ecosystem resilience by providing a higher response diversity. Landscape diversity enhances the resilience of populations. Water of specific quantity and quality is required to preserve the state and stability of ecosystems and build their resilience to localised disturbance and to global change. Resilience thinking considers those properties of human and natural systems complex adaptive socialecological systems that enhance their resilience. The resilience and resistance of an ecosystem to a. A quantitative framework for assessing ecological resilience. Intensity of the physiological response to drought stress during the targeted dry year. However, the resilience of food systems is distinct from the broader.
Pdf biodiversity and resilience of ecosystem functions. Ecosystem based approaches can be both build resilience to climate change and deliver multiple benefits. Ecosystembased approaches to adaptation eba and ecosystembased approaches to disaster risk reduction ecodrr. Reduced response diversity does not negatively impact wheat climate resilience article pdf available in proceedings of the national academy of sciences 11622. Biodiversity and resilience of ecosystem functions. To render this important realization more useful for understanding coupled humannatural systems, we broaden the concept of response diversity to include. Resilient supply of nondisaster related ecosystem services es provided within urban areas has received little attention. The resilience of ecosystems depends on the diversity of species and their specific responses to environmental variation. In addition to the role species play in maintaining resilience, connectivity. Holling 1973 defined ecosystem resilience as the amount of disturbance a system can absorb and yet remain within the same state or. Response diversity determines the resilience of ecosystems to environmental change. Such perturbations and disturbances can include stochastic events such as fires, flooding, windstorms, insect population explosions, and human activities such as deforestation, fracking of the ground for oil extraction, pesticide sprayed in soil, and. Ecosystem services and resilience openness project.
Biological diversity appears to play a substantial role in ecosystem resilience and in sustaining desirable ecosystem states in the face of change peterson et al. Stella, jacob bendix, in multiple stressors in river ecosystems, 2019. Although the resilience concept has been studied in depth in ecological systems, it surely has relevance outside this area and in recent years has been a main domain of study for socioeconomic. An agroecosystem that contains a high degree of response diversity will be more resilient against various types and degrees of shocks. Response diversity and resilience resilience has been used in several different ways, including as an evocative metaphor in discourse on sustainability and as a quantity that is potentially measurable in a specific ses carpenter et al. I am a coauthor and therefore my opinion is likely to be. The contribution of ecosystem services to human resilience iii summary ecosystem services es are the benefits provided by ecosystems that contribute to making human life possible and worth living ma, 2005.
This chapter contributes to the documentation of novel networkbased resilience concepts to socioecological systems. Biological diversity appears to enhance the resilience of desirable. Hydraulic diversity of forests regulates ecosystem. Response diversity builds resilience in ecosystems society.
Oliver and others published biodiversity and resilience of ecosystem functions find, read and. Redundancy and response diversity of functional groups. This program is led by the international water management institute iwmi, a member. This chapter explores the links between ecosystem services and climate change. The resilience and resistance of an ecosystem to a collapse of diversity. Recent work in ecology suggests that the diversity of responses to environmental change among species contributing to the same ecosystem function can strongly influence ecosystem resilience. Here we present data from a new 5y study of a tropical freshwater ecosystem showing that change in the two dimensions of biodiversityassemblage diversity number and abundance of species. Protecting and enhancing the resilience of ecosystems u. Thus, ecosystem based approach through adaptation and mitigation is instrumental to maintain ecosystem health so as to sustain system resilience in the face of climate change. Ecological resilience refers to the ability of an ecosystem to maintain key functions and processes in the face of stresses or pressures, by resisting and then adapting to change. Two critical aspects of diversity within functional groups are examined and the role they play for coral reef resilience.
Ecosystem based approaches to adaptation eba and ecosystem based approaches to disaster risk reduction ecodrr. Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. Adapting a socialecological resilience framework for food systems journal of environmental studies and sciences 53. The 12 principles of the ecosystems approach are complementary and.
Though some cities are beginning to consider how ecosystems in cities can help mitigate climate change effects or create spaces that increase existing adaptive capacity for posteffect recovery, in most global cities services provided by urban ecosystems. Ecosystem services and resilience esr is a crosscutting core theme within wle that focuses on the role of ecosystem service based approaches in building community resilience and helping wle achieve its development outcomes. Functional redundancy and effects on resilience of ecosystem functions. Walker b, norberg j 2003 response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. In the case of food systems, diversity in farm scale and number, diversity of crops, type of market. Biodiversity and the ecosystem functions and services it underpins can increase peoples resilience to climate change by providing safety nets in times of climate shocks and diversifying incomes and generating employment. Pdf response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience. In particular, response diversity diversity of species that respond differently to disturbance within functional groups fg is. Programming resilience, in its purest sense, therefore means supporting interventions to increase diversity, connectivity, learning, reflexivity, redundancy, equity, inclusion and cohesion, while brokering the blending of knowledge. Consider the state of biodiversity and ecosystem resilience of monmouthshire and identify relevant habitats and species of principal importance for nature conservation. Resilience measures in ecosystems and socioeconomic networks. The observation that managed ecosystems often fail to respond smoothly to external changes and pressures has led to greater research on ecological regime shifts, thresholds, and resilience folke et al. This role is related to the diversity of functional groups in a dynamic ecosystem undergoing change, and the species diversity within these groups walker 1992, 1997. Pdf reduced response diversity does not negatively.
Resilience of amazon forests emerges from plant trait. While the concept of ecosystem services is in itself a topic of debate schroter et al. Biodiversity itself is an important driver of ecosystem. The term resilience is a term that is sometimes used interchangeably with robustness to describe the ability of a. The focus of this paper is on the role of diversity within functional groups in securing important ecosystem processes that contribute to the resilience of coraldominated reef states.
Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience article pdf available in frontiers in ecology and the environment 19. The worlds biodiversity is under unprecedented threat due to human activities, yet we have an incomplete understanding of ecosystem change in response to these pressures. Resilience of and through urban ecosystem services. Response diversity builds resilience in ecosystems. An ecosystem services approach to assessing the impacts of the deepwater horizon oil spill in the gulf of mexico discusses the benefits and challenges associated with using an ecosystem services approach to damage assessment, describing potential impacts of response technologies, exploring the role of resilience, and offering suggestions for. Climate adaptation is not separable from sustainable mountain development. Quantifying resilience of multiple ecosystem services and. These human transformations are causing a loss of global biodiversity on a scale that has not been experienced since the end of the age of the dinosaurs barnosky et al. Tree diversity does not always improve resistance of.
Ecosystem resilience an overview sciencedirect topics. It is becoming more apparent that species richness alone many not be sufficient to fully understand ecosystem resilience but that functional diversity diversity of species having similar effects on an ecosystem process may be more relevant. Response diversity is the diversity of different kinds of species within a functional group of species that makes an important contribution to ecosystem performance. It first describes the ecosystem services that contribute to mitigation and adaptation, as well as the threat of climate change to ecosystem services. Pdf biological diversity appears to enhance the resilience of desirable ecosystem states, which is required to secure the. Increasingly, cracks are appearing in the capacity of communities, ecosystems, and landscapes to provide the goods and services that sustain our planets well. Probably, this is the worlds largest free ecosystem service. In this commentary, we highlight the implications of these differential responses for the resilience of the forest ecosystem and outline research priorities for future studies of bird diversity in. Pdf herbivory, connectivity, and ecosystem resilience. Response diversity, ecosystem change, and resilience elmqvist. It describes the degree to which the system is capable of selforganization, learning and adaptation holling 1973, gunderson. A resilience perspective of the seea sciencedirect.
Nevertheless, highly diverse ecosystems have collapsed, as did lake victorias ecosystem of cichlids or caribbean coral reefs. Sustaining ecosystems and people in a changing world. Pdf resilience thinking download full pdf book download. However, some debate remains as to whether high species diversity contributes to system stability by increasing resilience ives and. New paradigms for supporting the resilience of marine ecosystems. Driving forces of biodiversity and ecosystem service change. We study the concept of landscape diversity from genetic, ecological. Biodiversity, ecosystem services and governance stockholm.
Diversity is expected to increase the resilience of ecosystems. When subjected to severe change, ecosystems may cross thresholds and move into different and often less desirable ecological states or trajectories. Resilient ecosystems sustain biological diversity and human livelihoods in times of severe and wideranging change, and the concepts of resilience based ecosystem stewardship 5 helps people to enhance the resilience of the ecosystems within which they live, and upon which their livelihoods and wellbeing depend. To improve coral reef management, a deeper understanding of biodiversity across scales in the context of functional groups is required. Chapter 2 biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services. Factors that contribute to ecological resilience vary by ecosystem, but some studies suggest that biological diversity and in particular functional redundancy positively influences ecosystem resilience allen et al. As climates warm and precipitation patterns shift in the future 8,9, understanding the distribution of the diversity of plant drought tolerance is central to predicting future ecosystem function.
Empirical estimates of the function and resilience of communities under different management regimes can provide valuable information for sustainable natural resource management, but such estimates are scarce to date. It supports the complexity of ecosystem functions and the cascades of interactions that deliver services and benefits3. Note that here we focus on the resilience of individual ecosystem functions, which might be appropriate for policy formulation e. The recent interest in ecosystem functioning has made resilience an important issue in ecosystem management and has increased awareness of the negative impacts of biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning and long term stability e. Building on this, the insurance hypothesis for ecosystem resilience through conservation of functional diversity and responsive scale may be transferable to food systems. Ecological and human community resilience in response to. In ecology, resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem to respond to a perturbation or disturbance by resisting damage and recovering quickly.
Hicke5 1institute of silviculture, department of forest and soil sciences, university of natural resources and life. Two important components of species biodiversity that confer ecosystem. The purpose of applying socialecological resilience thinking to food systems is twofold. The resilience and resistance of an ecosystem to a collapse. Jan 08, 2014 todays subject is one ive touched on before, but to my knowledge, the relationship between diversity simply put, more species and ecosystem resilience i.
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